How to Control Barrier Gate by Cellphone

Jun 12, 2024



There are several ways to control a parking barrier gate using a cellphone:


1. Using a mobile app: Many barrier gate manufacturers offer mobile apps that allow you to control the gate from your smartphone. These apps typically use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to connect to the gate and allow you to open, close, and monitor the gate remotely.


2. Using a smart home system: If your barrier gate is compatible with a smart home system like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, you can use voice commands to control the gate. For example, you could say "Alexa, open the garage door" to open the gate.


3. Using a remote control: Some barrier gates come with a remote control that can be programmed to work with your smartphone. You can use the remote control to open and close the gate, and the signal can be transmitted to your phone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.


4. Using a dedicated gate controller: If your toll barrier gate is not compatible with any of the above methods, you may need to purchase a dedicated gate controller that can be connected to your smartphone. These controllers typically use Wi-Fi or cellular data to communicate with your phone and allow you to control the gate remotely. 

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